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篇名 3D立體影像影音紀錄創作之研究
卷期 55
並列篇名 3D Documentary Film
作者 林添勝江素芬
頁次 029-040
關鍵字 3D立體影音數位影音
出刊日期 201701


本研究將透過3D立體影音教學,讓學生有身歷其境之感,且能減輕教育人員的 工作負擔,更能讓教學具務實性,使學習更具成效。 本研究以3D立體影音技術,記錄船舶輪機影像,藉此提升船舶輪機教育影片的 多樣性與創新案例,影音內容將船舶輪機打造過程一一呈現,以利輪機影音教學。在 影視傳播領域中,透過文獻探討分析,簡化播放流程,僅用USB3.0隨身碟搭配高畫質 電視播放即可播放,提升影音播放成本效益,成為播放的新選項。 本研究以文獻資料分析確認影音導入教學,有體驗策略與學習注意力確有效益 後,先以實習船舶育英二號拍攝實驗影片,經海事教育專家會議確認其效果,再以臺 灣國際造船廠新建史上最大貨櫃輪(14,000TUE)船為標的,將船舶輪機打造過程拍攝 3D立體短片,於船舶專家會議中,經由船舶輪機專家討論並提供意見,再經團體焦點 法會議取得共識,最後以3D立體模式與一般2D模式併行播放,由影視專家進行分析, 以確定3D影音教學影片對船舶輪機教學有【模擬實境參訪】以符合體驗策略與學習 注意力提升之有效性,在輪機教學上有實質的經濟效益。 經實際播放與觀摩討論後,本研究除在船舶輪機教學上有所貢獻外,在影視產業 的科技應用上,對3D立體影音之影像紀錄與播放,更增添了新創的應用案例。


In the 3D visual-audio instruction in this study, students would feel as if they were in the world created by the videos; moreover, the instruction can lighten the workload on the shoulders of educators and make instruction more practical and effective In this study, the 3D visual-audio technology was used to record the images of ship engine machineries, so as to enhance the diversity and innovation of the instructive videos about ship engine machineries. The 3D visual-audio recordings show the making of ship engine machineries to facilitate the visual-audio instruction. According to the literature review on the field of film and television communication, the procedure of video playing has been simplified, and a USB3.0 flash disc and an HD television alone can play the 3D videos, which has increased the cost benefits of video playing and thus become a new option of video playing. After confirming the effectiveness of the introduction of videos to instruction, experience strategy, and learning concentration through data analysis, this study made the experimental videos with the practice ship -- Yu-Ying No.2 Vessel Particulars. Then, the effects of the videos were checked at a meeting for maritime education experts. With the newly-built biggest container ship (14,000TUE) by Taiwan International Shipyard as the target, this study employed the 3D visual-audio technology to record the making of ship engine machineries. At the meeting, the specialist of marine engineering had a discussion and expressed their views. After an agreement was reached based with the group focus method at the meeting, the 3D mode and the ordinary 2D mode were used for a paralleled video playing. Then, the paralleled video playing was analyzed by film and television experts to ensure that 3D visual-audio instruction videos could create “simulated reality visit” for the instruction on ship engine machineries to enhance the effectiveness of experience strategies and learning concentration, thereby achieving substantial economic benefits in the instruction on ship engine machineries. After the actual video playing, observation and discussion, this study has not only improved the instruction on ship engine machineries, but also added a new application case to the technological application in the film and television industry and to the recording and playing of 3D videos.

