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篇名 陽明大學醫學系畢業生執業狀況調查
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Employment Status of Graduates of School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University
作者 傅中玲莊凱迪王署君
頁次 155-165
關鍵字 醫學系公費生陽明大學學士後醫學系醫療資源缺乏地區性別publically funded medical education programNational Yang-Ming Universitygraduate-entry medical programsmedical resources in underserved areagenderTSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(2).4


我們於2015年2-3月,依陽明大學醫學系第1-33屆和學士後醫學系第1-5屆畢業生名冊,查詢衛 生福利部醫事人員執業資料網站,記錄執業處所、地點與科別;並與2014年中華民國醫師公會全國聯合 會發布的全國醫師人力分布相比。醫療資源不足地區定義採每位登記執業醫師服務戶籍人數>2,600人之 鄉鎮(區)和離島。於4,111位畢業生(男3,227,女884)中4,035 (98.2%)取得資料。仍執業畢業生3,739位 (91.0%),分別是醫學中心31.7%,地區、區域或專科醫院38.5%和基層診所29.8%。學士後醫學系60.6% 於基層診所執業。目前於醫療資源缺乏地區執業畢業生99人(2.7%)。公費制度畢業生較多執業精神科、 麻醉科、與復健科與服務衛生行政。陽明大學醫學系公費制度畢業生適時填補部份科別與醫療行政等方 面之人才不足。部份畢業生目前仍續留醫療資源缺乏地區服務,學士後醫學系多於基層診所執業。新的 公費制度如何建立需醫界與公衛系統一起努力。


In February and March 2015, we examined the practice location and specialty of the 1st-33rd classes of graduates (n=3,320) and 1st-5th graduate medical programs (GMP) classes of graduates (n=191) of school of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine according to the medical personnel practice website of Ministry of Health and Welfare, ROC and compared them with the statistics of 2014 physician manpower distribution from Taiwan Medical Association. The medical resource in underserved area was defined as over 2,600 persons cared by one registered physician and the offshore islands. Of 4,111 graduates (males 3,227 and females 884), 4,035 (98.2%) had information. Among the graduates, 3,739 (91.0%) were practicing: 31.7% at medical centers, 38.5% at local, regional or special hospital and 29.8% at private clinics. More than 60% of the GMP graduates worked at private clinics. Ninety-nine graduates (2.7%) served at medical resources in underserved areas. More graduates practice psychiatry, anesthesiology, and rehabilitation and as administrators or officers of Taiwan public health system than those from other medical schools. Under the publically funded medical education program (PFMEG), Yang-Ming University graduates filled the gap of medical needs at that time. Part of graduates still served at medical resources in underserved areas. Most of GMP graduates worked in the primary care system. The close cooperation between the medical and public health systems are warranted for the new PFMEG.
