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篇名 丁香檸檬複方精油應用於抑菌液體皂之研究
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Applications of Clove-Lemon Essential Oils to the Development of Antibacterial Liquid Soap
作者 張素幸許凱婷歐明秋詹錦豐
頁次 011-018
關鍵字 液體皂抗菌丁香花苞精油檸檬精油liquid soapantibacterialclove buds oillemon oil
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6192/CGUST.201712_(27).3


本研究以丁香花苞及檸檬精油調製為複方成分,添加於液體手工皂製品,以期達到抑菌之功 效。該精油經由氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS) 分析顯示丁香花苞精油含83.31% 丁香酚、檸檬精油含 70.3% 檸檬烯,藉由紙錠擴散實驗量測抑菌圈,驗證丁香花苞精油3% 即具有抑菌功效。使用椰 子油:芥花油:蓖麻油重量比例為4:3:3 製作抑菌液體皂進行人體洗手試驗,總收案人數為20 人,使用手指按壓培養皿檢測手部細菌量,試驗結果顯示洗手前平均30.80 個菌落數,使用精油 液體手工皂後的平均值降為15.45 個菌落數,但相較於使用清水洗手,添加抗菌功效之複方精油 液體洗手皂未能達到更有效抑菌目的,然而經由受測者問卷回饋得知,該複方精油液體手工皂之 氣味容易被受測者所接受,也樂於使用含精油之洗手製品。


In this study, clove buds and lemon essential oil were prepared as compound ingredients and added to liquid handmade soap products in order to achieve the effect of bacteriostasis. The analysis of the essential oil by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed 83.31% eugenol, 15.3% limonene. By measuring the inhibition zone through disk diffusion method, we confirm that 3% of clove buds essential oil contains antibacterial effects. Use coconut oil: canola oil: castor oil weight ratio of 4: 3: 3 production of antibacterial liquid soap for hand washing test. The overall twenty participants are involved. In order to count the amount of bacteria in the hand, the participants directly wiped their fingers onto petri dish. The results display the directly wiped their fingers group averagely contains 30.80 bacteria before washing hands, and the average of bacteria numbers are declined to 15.45 after using essential oil liquid soap. Conclusively, wash hand by using the complex essential oil handmade liquid soap do not propose more effective antibacterial than by using water. However, by the feedback of questionnaires, the evidences show the scents of the handmade liquid soap are easily accepted by participants, and they are willing to use the products with essential oil.
