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篇名 探討運動前補充三大營養素、修飾澱粉或補充劑對於耐力運動表現之影響
卷期 27
並列篇名 Review on the Effects of Macro-nutrients, Modified Starches or Supplements Intake on Endurance Performance before Exercise
作者 梁詠娸徐藝洳許青雲黃啟彰
頁次 063-076
關鍵字 碳水化合物脂肪蛋白質南瓜薑黃素升糖指數營養攝取最適時機carbohydratefatproteinpumpkincurcuminglycemic indexnutrient intervention timing
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6192/CGUST.201712_(27).8


由於空腹會使體內能量儲存減少,所以從事耐力運動之選手很少在禁食後的情況下進行訓練 或比賽。因此,運動前補充的物質種類與進食之時間點,對於提升體內能量儲存或代謝作用以及 運動的持久性都是重要的考量因素。一般而言,運動前補充碳水化合物能夠提升胰島素濃度與減 少脂質氧化作用,進而提升運動耐力表現。如果運動前攝取低升糖指數類型的碳水化合物或修飾 澱粉則會使運動前補充碳水化合物之效益受影響。高脂飲食理論上能夠增加脂質氧化作用的燃料 而節省肝醣的消耗情形。然而,此種飲食策略還是需要更多的實證研究才能瞭解對於提升運動耐 力表現的成效如何。至於運動前補充高蛋白飲食對於運動表現的研究雖然相對較少,但是有報告 證實此一方式可促進運動前肝醣合成作用且有利於運動期間的代謝作用。對於耐力型運動在賽前 攝取各式補充劑( 如:南瓜果實萃取物或薑黃素) 則是可以納入考量。因此,尋求運動前最佳的 營養補充策略對於提升耐力運動表現仍是值得進一步研究的重要課題。


Fasted state can lead to decrease in storage of fuels, so the endurance athletes would not have competition or do exercise training in a fasted state. Therefore, the types of supplements being used and the duration and timing of their consumption are all important factors for increasing energy storage, utilization and endurance time that should be considered prior to exercise. In general, consuming carbohydrates before exercise can help increase insulin levels, decrease lipolysis and improve endurance performance. Whereas the consumption of low glycemic index carbohydrates or modified starches would attenuate the benefits of carbohydrate ingestion before exercise. High fat meals seem to have beneficial metabolic effects by increasing the fuels for fat oxidation, thus sparing glycogen stores. But, this kind of diet strategy for endurance performance still requires confirmation from evidence-based research. Although, the research on the effects of consuming high protein pre-exercise is limited, there is a some evidence suggesting that it may help for glycogen synthesis before exercise and also good for metabolism during the exercise. For the endurance performance, it is suggested to take supplements, such as pumpkin extract or curcumin, before exercise. Taken together, it is warranted to have exploratory research on determining the optimal supplements strategy pre-exercise for increasing endurance performance.
