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篇名 淺談臺澳護理教育之情境模擬教學:以澳洲中央昆士蘭大學及長庚科技大學為例
卷期 27
並列篇名 Briefly Introduction Situated Simulation Teaching between Taiwan and Australia: Examples of Nursing Programs at CQU and CGUST
作者 吳佩樺陳茹芳翁于晴張蕙瀅洪瑞鎂
頁次 087-096
關鍵字 nursing educationsituated simulation teachingmultiple teachingsOSCE護理教育情境模擬教學多元教學客觀結構式臨床測驗
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6192/CGUST.201712_(27).10


隨著醫療科技日新月異的發展,亦需提供醫護專業人才越多元化教育,以培育更精進的護理 人員於臨床實務上,近年來護理教育教學中常藉由模擬教學的演練經驗,提供護理系學生,在一 個不傷害病人安全情境下運用標準化病人或模擬教具實務反覆練習,以期與臨床實務接軌,減少 進入臨床實習的壓力與害怕。 筆者於2015 年八月實際參與長庚科技大學澳洲海外見習澳洲護理教學課程一個月,赴姐妹 校Central Queensland University (CQU) 最主要兩校區(Noosa & Rockhampton) 參與護理系課程和 參訪醫療機構,在見習課程中學習澳洲護理教育之情境模擬教學,體認臺澳兩校( 長庚科技大學 CGUST & CQU) 情境模擬教學差異情形,藉此篇文章分析臺澳護理情境模擬之教學策略,以提升 臺灣學生的專業技能與素質。本文描述台灣與澳洲之間情境模擬教學起源、成效,並分享課程參 與經驗,期盼台灣護理學校與學生在精進自我教學外,更能與國際接軌,精進自我所學。


In recent years, situated simulation teaching has been used as a strategy to assist students to learn how to present their work in a real environment. With the rapid advancement of medical technology worldwide, nursing healthcare educators can develop additional multicultural education strategies to cultivate more sophisticated nursing students, such as through the use of situated simulation teaching. Simulated situations in nursing education provide learners with a predicted situation that may occur in reality, allowing them to practice their skills within these scenarios, and apply the outcomes to their clinical practice. Situated simulation teaching is currently used in the nursing education curriculum in Taiwan and around the world to reduce students' stress and fear in clinical practices. The authors participated in a study exchange program for one month at Central Queensland University (CQU) in Australia, which was offered by the Chang Gung University of Science and Technology (CGUST) and CQU. The authors attended lectures and visited various healthcare organizations, and determined that situated learning simulation would be quite useful to utilize in Taiwan. This article aims to show that the authors' perspectives of learning in Australia can be shared with Taiwanese students to enhance their professional skills. This paper provides information relating to the authors' experience of participating in the simulation class and examines the differences in situated simulation teaching offered at CGUST and CQU. It is anticipated that this knowledge will assist Taiwanese nursing students to enhance their knowledge, without the necessity of travelling to Australia.
