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篇名 淺談思覺失調症與性功能障礙
卷期 30
並列篇名 Introduction of Schizophrenia with Sexual Dysfunction
作者 楊淑玲趙建剛
頁次 151-166
關鍵字 思覺失調性功能障礙園藝治療SchizophreniaSexual DysfunctionHorticultural Therapy
出刊日期 201710




Schizophrenia is a kind of chronic disease, usually requires long-term treatment. In the past, most of the clinical treatment is drug-based, but the drug is often thought to be the main cause for the patient's sexual dysfunction. Not only physician often ignore the patient's sexual needs, but also patient will not take the initiative to discuss sexual problem with the physician. In addition to traditional antipsychotic medications, alternative drugs that are less likely to cause sexual dysfunction in the patient's sexual dysfunction, coupled with horticultural therapy, rehabilitation, and psychotherapy, can lead to patients’ "sexual human rights " and let them feel fully respected.
