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篇名 以英語為外語課室中的教師反饋言談—一個台灣國中課室的個案研究
卷期 30
並列篇名 Teacher Feedback as Scaffolding in EFL Classrooms – A Case Study in Junior High School in Taiwan
作者 鄧冠明
頁次 189-202
關鍵字 課室言談教師反饋鷹架以英語為外語classroom discourseteacher feedbackscaffoldingEFL
出刊日期 201710




Teachers make their choice of language and teaching strategies to give feedback to student response at the critical moment, which may construct or obstruct learner’s language learning as well as their participation in classroom communication. Teacher feedback plays a significant role in the development of EFL learners’ linguistic competence and facilitating learners’ involvement. Through the use of naturally-occurring classroom data in an EFL classroom of a junior high school, this study attempts to investigate and provide examples for specific types of teacher feedback used by the language teacher through her choice of language. The illustrated texts show how the teacher, through the interaction with students, facilitated students’ language learning and involvement in the classroom discourse by providing different types of feedback. The data reveals offering in-time language support, paraphrasing the contributions, and giving positive reinforcement help develop a meaningful and collaborative interaction between teachers and students, and thus generate more student talk. Consequently, facilitative teacher talk cannot be tied down to any one single pattern of follow-up moves to students’ contribution. Successful language learning or target-like language production depends on a carefully and skillfully selected combination of feedback moves to cope with a learner’s developmental stages.
