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篇名 蓮霧果實形質調查及低溫貯藏期間品質變化之研究
卷期 30
並列篇名 Studies on Morph-Characters and Quality Changes during Cold Storage of Wax Apple (Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry) Fruit
作者 王子慶
頁次 203-222
關鍵字 蓮霧貯藏溫度品質寒害wax applestorage temperaturequalitychilling injury
出刊日期 201710




The umbilical adjacent peel of wax apple fruits has the highest red degree. Down-position pulp have higher °Brix, vitamin C content, firmness and juice percent than others as well as its pulp occupy ratio above of 50% total pulp. Single packaging can effectively reduce the damaged fruit percent to 16%. If time is long enough under 13℃ storage, it happening chilling injury and bring a bad effect to quality and storage; however, high temperature will shorten wax apple storage life obviously. Wax apple fruits will lose weight, discolor, and reduce firmness, °Brix, vitamin C content and pH value; however, the titratable acidity was increased during storage. Hot water treatment can reduce rot ratio effectively during lower temperature storage.
