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篇名 客家村落國中生的時間觀與網路成癮之相關研究
卷期 30
並列篇名 The Correlational Study of Time Perspective and Internet Addiction Behaviors for Junior High School Students in Hakka Community
作者 藍菊梅
頁次 167-188
關鍵字 客家村落國中生時間觀網路成癮Hakka communityjunior high school studentstime perspective and Internet addiction behaviors
出刊日期 201710


本研究目的為瞭解客家村落國中生之時間觀與網路成癮的關係。研究使用結構性量表,收取客家 村落之國中生有效樣本1327 份,資料使用描述性統計分析、淨相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示:20.1%客家村落國中生有成癮傾向;「假日每天上網時數」、「現在宿命觀點」、「網 路使用頻率」、「平日每天上網時數」、「性別」、「過去負向觀點」、「未來觀點」、「學業成績」為網 路成癮的重要預測因子,解釋量達35.4%。


This study aims to understand the relationships of foundational variables, time perspective and Internet addiction behaviors. Subjects in this study were 1327 Junior High School Students from Hakka community in Taiwan. The instructments were structural questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, partial correlations, multiple stepwise regression and structural equation modeling to explore the relations among variables. The results presented that 20.1% students in Junior High School Students from Hakka community had the tendency of Internet addiction. The important predictors of Internet addiction behaviors were “hours for surfing Internet on weekends and vacation days”, “ a present-fatalistic time prespective”, “the frequency of Internet use”, “hours for surfing Internet on ordinary days”, “gender”, “a past-negative time perspective”, “a future time perspective” and “school grade level”, with the proportion of variance explained as 35.4%.
