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篇名 繪本融入品格教學之試探性研究—以「尊重」為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 Character Exploratory Study Into the Teaching of Picture Books to "Respect" as an Example
作者 許秋燕
頁次 045-070
關鍵字 品格教學尊重繪本Character Educationrespectpicture books
出刊日期 201612


教育部(2009)「品德教育促進方案(第二期)」,以「多元教學方法、學校落 實推動、教師典範學習,品德向下扎根;師生成長、家長參與、民間合作、全民普及」 為重點,目的在於鼓勵學校及教師透過有系統的設計、規劃、督導、省思、多元評量, 來進行教學,促進學生主動關懷他人、主動學習、積極參與、熱愛生命、行善關懷、 追求正義之學習。因此,本研究目的有二:其一在探討教師進行繪本融入品格教學時, 學生「尊重」的改變情形;其二是在實行繪本融入品格教學時,教師所獲得專業的成 長。 品格教學中有許多指標,在李奉儒(2005)研究指出,尊重與關懷融入學校品格 教育,教學活動、師生關係以及課程實施當中,使能影響整個學校教育的結構,從而 得以含蘊師生之間的關懷與尊重關係。本研究聚焦於繪本融入品格教學以提升學生「尊 重」之品格發展。在王金國(2008)品格教學研究指出,繪本內包含很多道德觀念,可以 在教學有助於學生提升愛己愛人、設身處地、自重他重等。 研究者於2016 年3 月到5 月於彰化縣快樂國小(化名)三年甲班進行教學,同時進 行課室觀察,課後收集學生的學習單以及家長的回饋,輔以學生學習過程之文件分析, 並對於學生進行問卷調查,來探究學生於品格教學後的學習成效,搭配教師的教學反 思,並發現教師從中獲得的專業成長。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,以提供教師發展繪本融入品格教學之參考。


Ministry of Education(2009)「Moral education promotion program(The second term)」,by「Multiple teaching methods、Promote the implementation of the school、Teachers model learning,Moral down roots;Teachers and students grow、Parental Involvement、 Civil cooperation、Civil cooperation」,It aims to encourage schools and teachers through systematic design、planning、supervise、reflection、multiple assessment to teaching,promote student initiative caring for others、active Learning、participate actively、 love life、charity care、learning pursuit of justice。Therefore,this study there are two:first,When discussing moral education teachers into the picture book,student「respect」change case;second, When implemented in picture books into the moral teaching,teachers access to professional growth。There are many character education indicators,at Fengru Li(2005)Research indicates that,Respect and caring character education into the school,teaching activities、 teacher-student relationship and curriculum implementation among,enabling affect the entire structure of school education,thus able to observe the care and respect for the relationship between teachers and students. This researchFocus on picture books into the moral teaching to enhance students'「respect」character development。At Jinguo Wan (2008) character teaching research points,picture book contains a lot of inner morality,it can help students enhance teaching love has love、put yourself in、Respect yourself and others. Researchern March 2016 to May of teaching in Changhua County Happy small (a pseudonym) third grade,simultaneously observe classrooms,After school to collect students and single parents back,file learning process supported by the analysis,and questionnaires for students,Students learn to explore the effectiveness of teaching in the character after, with teachers teaching reflection,and found that the professional growth of teachers derive。At last,it makes recommendations based on findings,to provide a character reference into the Teachers' Development Illustrated Teaching.
