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篇名 職前教師實施「高職服務學習方案」成效之研究
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Study on the Effectiveness of Service-Learning Program Implemented by Pre-service Teachers in Vocational High Schools
作者 馮莉雅蘇雅慧
頁次 091-116
關鍵字 服務學習實地學習教學效能公民素養職前教師Service-learningPractical learningTeaching effectivenessCivic literacyPer-service teacher
出刊日期 201612


南部某國立大學師資培育中心基於課程統整的角色,將服務學習列為教育專業課 程內容,協助32 位師資生在高職進行服務學習的規劃與實施。本研究採用量化與質化 的研究設計,分析師資生「教學效能量表」、「公民素養量表」及反思報告,以了解 服務學習方案對職前教師的影響。有四點研究發現:(1)職前教師參與服務學習課程後, 不因課程類型而教學效能和公民素養的成效有差異。 (2)修習獨立式服務學習課程的職 前教師,絕大多數有繼續參與服務學習的意願。(3)實施高職生服務學習課程會強化職 前教師對學生和教師的看法,且聚焦於學習特性、優質教師的知能。(4)互惠增能的服 務學習模式會影響師資生的「教師生涯發展」、「教育理論的學習與理解」及「個人 發展」,其中「教師生涯發展」聚焦於教師的教學專業發展。此外,帶領高職生實施 服務學習有助於師資生掌握服務學習的課程核心元素,更能反思自己的課程設計與教 學實施能力、團際合作能力及其教師生涯發展。


Teacher Education Center at one National University in South listed service learning in professional courses of education based on its role of curriculum integration in order to assist thirty two pre-service teachers to plan and implement their service learning programs. This study utilized qualitative and quantities research design to analyze the Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire, Civic Literacy Questionnaire, and the reflections of pre-service teachers. The goal is to understand the influences of the service learning program on pre-service teachers. The findings of this study indicated that(1) the types of service learning programs has no significant influences on the teaching effectiveness and civic literacy of the pre-service teachers. (2) A majority of pre-service teachers who take the stand-alone service learning course consider participating in service learning activities on a continuous basis. (3)They also influence the viewpoints of pre-service teachers on teachers and students.(4) The reciprocal empowerment model has influences on the teacher career development, further understanding of educational theory, and personal development. Teacher career development refers to a foucs on the development of teaching profession. Furthermore, leading vocational high school students to implement service learning programs are helpful for pre-service teachers to master the core elements of the program. They can also reflect on their competence on curriculum design and teaching implementation, team work and cooperation, and their teaching career development.
