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篇名 學校負向領導行為與因應策略之探析
卷期 13
並列篇名 The discussion of negative leading behaviors and responding strategies
作者 陳正專
頁次 071-090
關鍵字 不當監督負向領導破壞性領導威權領導學校行政authority leadershipbad supervisordestructive leadershipnegative leadershipschool administration
出刊日期 201612




With new leadership theory and management rising in the new century, schools need to change and fit the unique needs and requirements from society. School leaders play an important role in decision making and operation of organizations. If they have excellent leadership skills, the school runs smoothly and can even create new school styles. On the contrary, if not, the school will face a big crisis. In this paper, first, we discuss the meaning of negative leadership behavior. Secondly, we discuss the theories of negative leadership and present the damages to schools. Finally, we present suggestions to solve the dilemma of negative leadership. This paper can to be references to selecting school leaders in the future, and to assessment of school leaders behavior standards.
