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篇名 牟宗三「坎陷」概念的產生與早期發展脈絡
卷期 46:3=538
並列篇名 The Birth of Mou Zongsan7s Self-Negation Concept and Its Early Contextualization of Development
作者 肖雄
頁次 085-100
關鍵字 牟宗三直覺的解悟之坎陷認識心之坎陷良知之坎陷Mou ZongsanSelf-Negation of Intellectual IntuitionSelfNegation of Cognitive MindConscience’s Self-NegationA&HCI
出刊日期 201903


關於牟宗三的坎陷論之產生,學界一般追溯至其1947年 的良知坎陷說,然而據本文考察,在這之前,牟宗三還有認識心之坎 陷、直覺的解悟之坎陷的說法。本文以概念脈絡法,1對牟宗三早期 的這三種坎陷說進行了證成,並考察了坎陷概念的形成與它們之間 的發展線索。


The academic circles usually date back to the theory of conscience’s self-negation in 1947 on Mou Zongsan’s theory of selfnegation, while this paper will show that Mou has other theories about self-negation of cognitive mind and intellectual intuition before his theory of conscience’s self-negation. Based on the method of concept’s contextualization, the paper will justify the three kinds of theory about self-negation, and investigate the birth of self-negation concept and the developing clue among the three kinds of theory.
