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篇名 發展問題的哲學反思
卷期 46:3=538
並列篇名 Philosophical Reflection on the Issue of Development
作者 任丑
頁次 107-118
關鍵字 發展盡其性人類歷史DevelopmentFollowing the NatureHistory of MankindA&HCI
出刊日期 201903


發展是關乎人類命運的大事,它直接關涉每個人,間接 涉及人類賴以生存的地球乃至宇宙。在人類歷史的綿延中,發展總 體上呈現出自在發展、自覺發展、可持續發展的邏輯進程。發展的 邏輯進程彰顯出其内在本質:人類通過盡物之性揚棄自然之性,以 達成自由之性。換言之,發展是人類歷史的本然屬性持續地自我否 定,進而逐步實現其自由屬性的宏大進程。有鑑於此,當今世界沒 有也不可能有一個實現可持續發展的簡單方法。不過,我們依然可 以把握發展的「盡其性」本質,综合運用各種方法路徑,智慧地推 進可持續發展,以維繫人類歷史生生不息、綿延不絕。


Development is a matter of great importance to the destiny of mankind. It directly engages everyone and indirectly involves the earth on which mankind depends and even the universe. Throughout the history of mankind, development as a whole manifests itself as a logical process, following the thread of tapping its own potential to the fullest extent, gradually demonstrating its inborn nature and going on sustainably. The logical process of development exhibits its inherent trait and follows its own nature. The essence of development is that mankind reaches the goal of displaying their true nature through following the nature of other substances, in another word, by tapping their potential to the fullest, mankind abandons innate nature to show the nature of freedom. To put it in another way, all developments are concerned with mankind. Fundamentally, development is a grand process in which the natural attributes of history of mankind continue its own self-denial and gradually realize their characteristics of freedom. In view of this, there is no simple way of achieving sustainable development in the world today. However, we can still pursue the principle of following the nature in the process of development. We ought to, in a wise way, comprehensively make use of a wide array of methods and adopt different approaches to maintain or promote sustainable development or free development, and by doing this, mankind will remain on earth, generation after generation.
