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篇名 從撰著體例解讀《論語•里仁》
卷期 46:3=538
並列篇名 A Research on Liren from the Analects of Confucious —from the Angle of Its Writing System
作者 黃昭華
頁次 167-183
關鍵字 論語里仁體例結構RenThe Analects of ConfuciousLiRenWriting SystemStructureA&HCI
出刊日期 201903


《論語•里仁》一篇之編撰,首二章為全篇總綱,總括 全篇内容。餘下諸章對著首二章之句字「里仁為美」、「擇不處仁, 焉得知」、「仁者安仁」、「知者利仁」加以申論。本文即依此體 例,對〈里仁篇〉各章旨意加以解釋。


The method of writing in Liren from the Analects of Confucious, is that the foregoing two chapters are the guideline of the whole, including the whole content. And the other chapters explain the sentences “It is the moral life of a neighbourhood which constitutes its excellence(里仁為美)”,“He is not an intelligent man , who, in choosing his residence, does not select a place with a moral surrounding (擇不處 仁,焉得知)’’、“Men of moral character find themselves at home in being moral (仁者安仁)”,“Men of intelligence find it advantageous to be moral (知者利仁)” in the foregoing two chapters. This paper explain Liren by exactly following this kind of writing method.
