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篇名 漢魏名士的「黃中通理」品性
卷期 46:3=538
並列篇名 “Huang Zhong Tong Li”一 The Character of Celebrities in Han and Wei Dynasties
作者 馮立
頁次 185-200
關鍵字 黃中通理易傳儒者品性亂世Huang Zhong Tong LiYi-ZhuanConfucianMoral CharacterTroubled TimesA&HCI
出刊日期 201903


「黃中通理」一詞源自《周易》中〈坤〉卦的〈文言傳〉, 其含義形容古代有德之臣具有優良品性的一種體現。東漢魏晉時期 的傳世史料與出土文獻中常用以稱讚亂世之際儒者的高尚情操,本 文試圖通過分析史料,探尋此歷史階段中具有「黃中通理」或「黃 中通理」之道品性的歷史人物及其人生經歷,從而挖掘漢魏之際被 世人稱頌具有内在德性高尚的一種英才特徵,值得當代研究反思。


“Huang Zhong Tong Li”, the virtue or character of being median, humble, justicial emblemed by the yellow and correct colour originated from “The Explanatory Interpretation of the Texts” (Wen Yan Zhuan) of the hexagrams of 坤Kun in Zhouyi (I-Ching, or the Book of Changes), and its meaning describes an embodiment of the excellent character of ancient virtuous officials. The historical materials handed down from ancient times in the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties and unearthed documents are often used to praise the noble sentiments of Confucian scholars in times of troubled times. This paper attempts to explore the historical figures and their life experiences with the character of “Huang Zhong Tong Li” or “Huang Zhong” in this historical period through analyzing the historical materials, so as to excavate a kind of meritocracy that was claimed by the people then to have noble inner virtue in the Han and Wei Dynasties, which deserves contemporary research and reflection.
