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篇名 程伊川心性論結構之探究
卷期 46:10=545
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Structure of Cheng Yichuan’s Thought on Mind and Nature
作者 洪明超文碧方
頁次 049-063
關鍵字 程伊川心性論性情未發Cheng YichuanThought on Mind and NatureNature and EmotionWeifaA&HCI
出刊日期 201910




Cheng Yichuan’s thought on mind and nature has abundant thinking connotation. The structure of mind in his thought is complex. Mind includes three factors—nature, xing and external things. Among them the factors of xing and external things decide the posteriority of mind. However, the nature is the essence of mind, which indicates mind has metaphysical nature. It is in this sense that Yichuan approves that mind, nature and li are identical. Based on the above, this paper also discusses the problem of good and evil and the problem of weifa in order to clarify the structure of Yichuan’s thought on mind and nature.
