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篇名 慣性阻力訓練裝置對運動表現的立即影響
卷期 16
並列篇名 Acute Effects of Flywheel Resistance Training on Exercise Performance
作者 徐雅盈
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 力量飛輪慣性效能PowerFlywheelInertial loadingsPerformance
出刊日期 202206


本文旨在探討使用慣性阻力訓練裝置(Exxentric kbox)對運動表現的立即影響。在當今許多的運動項目中,力量訓練和力量的發展對運動員的運動表現來說至關重要,以力量訓練為核心的體育項目包括舉重、健力、鉛球、擲鐵餅和標槍等,除此之外,其他體育運動也將力量訓練作為訓練的一部分,特別是網球、田徑、划船、籃球、排球和足球等。多年來,人們提出眾多改善力量的方法,包括使用自由重量、槓鈴、阻力帶和使用液體或空氣壓力作為阻力的裝置等。傳統的阻力訓練中,肌肉是對抗恆定的外部負荷,透過專門訓練可以抵抗外部負荷產生的阻力而變得更強壯。在此同時,過去幾十年中,力量發展出現了另一種訓練方法:飛輪慣性阻力訓練。相較於傳統重量訓練,飛輪阻力訓練裝置係利用肌肉力量傳遞給飛輪的動力,讓整個飛輪移動過程中出現離心負荷及可變阻力。爾後,開始有許多研究描述了飛輪阻力訓練裝置的優勢,並試圖釐清此裝置所產生的生理機制、型態適應及訓練效果。飛輪阻力訓練的特點是,通過肌肉做加速和減速的運動過程中讓飛輪運轉產生慣性功率,分別在向心階段及離心階段皆可提供阻力。現今,飛輪阻力訓練在各個運動領域以其作為一種離心負荷訓練得到了廣泛的應用。飛輪阻力訓練已被證實在提高健康、運動表現和預防運動傷害方面是有效的。


The aim of this study was to explore a cute effects of flywheel resistance training on exercise performance. Strength and strength-related variables are important components for performance in many sports. Many different methods to improve strength have been suggested throughout the years, including the use of free weights, weight stacks, resistance bands, and machines using liquid or air pressure as resistance. Traditional gravitational-dependent resistance training with free weights or weight stacks involves muscle action against a constant external load. A training method to develop strength that has increased in popularity during the past decades is flywheel training. Flywheel resistance training relies on resistance created by inertia instead of traditional gravity-dependent strength training. Flywheel training offers accommodated and unlimited resistance during coupled concentric and eccentric muscle actions using the inertia of a rotating wheel. Nowadays, flywheel resistance training has been widely used in various sports fields as a kind of centrifugal load training. Flywheel resistance training has been proved to be effective in improving health, sports performance and preventing sports injuries.
