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篇名 學校效能階層模式建構之探究
卷期 49
並列篇名 A Study on Constructing Hierarchical Model of School Eff ectiveness
作者 陳順利
頁次 016-044
關鍵字 school eff ectivenessHierarchical linear modelHLM學校效能階層線性模式
出刊日期 200705




School eff ectiveness was a construction, and was hard to be measured directly. However, according to improved statistical methods, studies on constructing school eff ectiveness theory model became easily. Th ose studies on model testifying needed a lot of data, and couldn’t be done by a single researcher, so those kinds of researches were scarily witnessed.
The researcher started this article by the knowledge base of school administration discipline, wanted to construct a school eff ectiveness hierarchical model, and wanted the model to support positive researches in the future. Th e model constructed by the researcher in this article had been considered using the Hierarchical Linear Model method to analyze data, because the data of school eff ectiveness researches had nested structure.
At the same time, the researcher queried the development and the trend of school eff ectiveness researches in this article, and then compared domestic dissertations in order to fi nd strengths and weaknesses for improving further researches.
