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篇名 邁向轉型的課程領導:課程領導的理念與實踐
卷期 49
並列篇名 Marching towards Transitional Curricular Leadership: Idea and Practice of Curricular Leadership
作者 江滿堂
頁次 068-083
關鍵字 轉型的課程領導課程領導教學領導transitional curricular leadershipcurricular leadershipinstruction leadership
出刊日期 200705




By means of literature review and analysis, this research studies,
integrates and fi nally induces the research conclusions. First of all, the
paper investigates the internal implications of the theories of curricular
leadership, brings out and discusses about the viewpoint of transitional
curricular leadership, and then constructs the foundation of curricular
leadership. After that, the paper compares and analyzes the local and
foreign literature about the issue of curricular leadership. Th e analytic
results are taken as the foundation concepts for proving and developing
curricular leadership. Finally, the paper integrates the theories, studies
and practices of curricular leadership, and proposes the strategies of
transitional curricular leadership, which include: 1. March towards
transitional curricular leadership, and cultivate the symbolic and cultural
leaders. 2. Carry out the process of curricular leadership, and improve
the quality of curricular instruction. 3. Facilitate the professional
development of teachers, and mold the learning culture of schools. 4.
Understand the necessity of communication and changes, and reduce
the defying attitude in teachers. 5. Reconstruct an elastic organization
for school, and continue implementing the reforms of curricula. 6.
Promote the willingness of parents’ and the community’s participation in
curricular reform, and develop the local-colored curricular of the school
and the community.
