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篇名 國小學校組織文化與教師組織承諾之研究
卷期 49
並列篇名 Th e Study of School Organizational Culture and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Primary School
作者 周昌柏
頁次 084-106
關鍵字 學校組織文化教師組織承諾school organizational cultureteachers’ organizational commitment
出刊日期 200705




Students’ achievement is excellent or not, teachers’ teaching
is the most important factor. Th e conscious of teachers’ school
organizational culture will aff ect teachers’ organizational commitment.
To explore the relationships between school organizational culture and
teachers’ organizational commitment is the important issue of school
Th is study was to discuss the discrepancies of diff erent groups of
school organizational culture and teachers’ organizational commitment in
Taiwan 22 Counties, using literature research and questionnaire surveys
to proceed. Finally, 1066 data were collected and were analyzed by Oneway
ANOVA and the conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. Diff erent
groups of artifacts dimension of school organizational culture to total
teachers’ organizational commitment and the dimensions had diff erent
discrepancies. 2. Diff erent groups of espoused values dimension of school
organizational culture to total teachers’ organizational commitment and
the dimensions had diff erent discrepancies. 3. Diff erent groups of basic
underlying assumptions dimension of school organizational culture
to total teachers’ organizational commitment and the dimensions had
diff erent discrepancies. Based on the conclusions, the study suggests
some implications.
