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篇名 國小教師多元文化觀之探究:以台中市三位國小教師為例
卷期 49
並列篇名 An Inquiry to Elementary Teachers’ Multicultural Perspective: Case Studies on Three Teachers from Taichung City
作者 陳伶姿陳世佳
頁次 107-122
關鍵字 多元文化教育多元文化觀國小教師multicultural educationmulticultural perspectiveelementary teachers
出刊日期 200705


(四) 受訪教師之多元文化觀仍未整全,多元文化教育之落實仍有待努


Gradually along with increasing population of the new immigration
and their children, Taiwan has become a multi-racial and multi-cultural
society. Elementary teachers are confronted with this new multi-culture
impact. Th is study intend to understand the elementary teachers’ multiculture
perspective, taking three teachers from an elementary school in
Taichung City as purposed samples. Qualitative research approach is
employed, the main fi ndings are as followings:
(1) the interviewed teachers multicultural perspective is mainly
infl uenced by individual experiences and by the media;
(2) the interviewed teacher have some prejudice about the
minor groups, and hold a negative attitude towards the multicultural
(3) multicultural education and training does not guarantee to aff ect
the teacher’s multicultural perspective;
(4) the multicultural understanding is insuffi cient among the
interviewed teachers, which gives diffi culties to the implementation of
multicultural education.
Some suggestions are provided according to the fi ndings.
