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篇名 大學學費政策觀點的多元呈現
卷期 49
並列篇名 Higher Education Tuition Policy’s Debate: a Review and a Way of Solution
作者 溫子欣
頁次 123-135
關鍵字 高等教育學費政策教育政策higher educationtuition policyeducation policy
出刊日期 200705




Tuition policy has become a kind of serious debate today. Th is issue
contains lots of complicated factors, including school management,
marketing, social equality, and globalization. Tuition policy is so important
that can change education environment and production. We must pay
more attention to the function and infl uence of tuition policy on social
justice maintaining. Th erefore we need to take a close look at this issue.
We should fi nd a balance and practical way to deal with this question.
In this article, I would introduce the history of tuition policy in
the very beginning. With the background knowledge, I will introduce
diff erent views and opinions about this issue. Th ese diff erent stands
include college development, free marketing competition, social equality
and justice, and international competition of higher education. Th en I
