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篇名 Effects of viscous dissipation on the boundary layer flow over an unsteady stretching sheet
卷期 15
並列篇名 黏滯逸散在暫態拉伸平面上邊界層流之效應
作者 黃桂勳
頁次 001-011
關鍵字 Chebyshev finite difference method暫態拉伸viscous dissipationheat transferunsteady stretching柴比雪夫有限差分法熱傳黏滯逸散
出刊日期 200907


本文以數值分析二維、穩態、黏滯性不可壓縮牛頓流體,通過暫態連續水平拉伸平板時,流體黏滯逸散效應對熱傳遞之影響情形。邊界層方程式經由相似性分析,轉換為非線性常微分方程式,以柴比雪夫有限差分法離散,再以牛頓法迭代求解。熱邊界條件考慮兩種方式;指定表面溫度與指定表面熱通量。數值結果顯示,局部熱傳率會隨著暫態參數與普郎特數之增加而加大,但隨著艾克爾特數(Eckert number)之增加而減小。此外,局部摩擦係數亦隨著暫態參數之增加而變大。


A numerical study of heat transfer from boundary layer flow driven by an unsteady stretching surface in the presence of viscous dissipation was studied. The boundary layer equations for mass, momentum and energy are transformed to be a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations by a similarity transformation and solved numerically using Chebyshev finite difference (ChFD) method with Newton’s iteration. Two thermal boundary conditions are considered: (1) prescribed surface temperature (PST) and (2) prescribed surface heat flux (PHF). Numerical results showed that the local heat transfer rate increases as unsteadiness parameter and Prandtl number increase, while it decreases as Eckert number increases. Besides, the local skin-friction coefficient increases as unsteadiness parameter increases.
