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篇名 嘉義縣偏遠地區小校分佈與師資流動之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Study of Little Elementary School Location and Teacher Turnover in Chiayi County
作者 王瑞壎
頁次 071-083
關鍵字 偏遠地區師資流動地理資訊系統remote elementary schoolturnover rategeographic information system
出刊日期 200907


教育部教育優先區計畫指標,其中的指標六即是:教師流動率及代理教師比率偏高之學校。若以此指標視之,這些學校在嘉義縣國民小學為數不少。在嘉義縣129間國民小學之中,學校規模少於或等於6班之學校共有64間,占了嘉義縣所有國民小學的二分之一。有鑑於此,本研究以小校比例最高之嘉義縣三個鄉—梅山鄉、阿里山鄉、大埔鄉為研究焦點,從而探討其師資現況與因應之道。首先,本研究採用文件分析法與訪談法,概念性了解嘉義縣偏遠地區國民小學教師聘用與流動的概況,從而歸納與分析存在嘉義縣國民小學普遍性現象。接續,深入一所偏遠小學進行質性研究之探索進而發現個案學校師資不流動的因素,本研究稱之「漸凍」現象。除此之外,研究者乃透過地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System,簡稱GIS)利用到空間分析技術,輔以研究資料之處理。最後,研究者提出本研究結論與建議,以提供教育相關單位參考。


The ‘Educational Priority Area Project Indicators’ were reported by Ministry of Education. The sixth indicator is ‘The higher rate of the teacher mobilization and substitute teachers’. These kinds of schools are very much in Chiayi County. 50% of elementary schools in Chiayi County belong to small scale schools. This study aims at the education situation and condition in Meishan Township, Alishan Township, and Dapu Township. Because the rate of small scale schools in these townships are higher than others. First, this study used document analysis and interview to understand the teacher employment and turnover rate in Chiayi County. Secondly, the researcher inquires one of the remote elementary schools in Chiayi County to do case study. Depending on the school documents and interview, the researcher found some reasons why the teachers mobilize or choose to stay at the remote elementary schools. This phenomenon is called ‘gradually frozenness’ in this research. Besides, this study adopted the geographic information system to analyses data. Finally, the researcher supplies this research conclusions and suggestions to the related education institutions for reference.
