
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 桃園縣立體育場經營86年桃園縣體育季之研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Sports Fidld of tao-Yuan District Managed a 1997 Sports Season in Tao-Yuan District
作者 葉憲清
頁次 061-071
關鍵字 體育季經營a sports seasonmanageTSSCI
出刊日期 199712


本研究旨在暸解桃園縣氏,對桃園縣立體育場所經營的86年桃園縣體育季活動項目需求程度,以及縣民參加情形。本研究以自編的調查問卷為研究工具,調查1420位縣氏。所得資料經過描述性統計,適合度的交叉分析(crostabulation table) ,研究結果歸納如下:一、桃園縣民對桃園縣立體育場所舉辦的86年體育季活動項目都認為很適合,很符合縣民需求。二、不同性別、教育程度、職業,等縣民對桃園縣立體育場所舉辦的活動項目都認為很適合,很符合不同縣民的需求。三、桃園縣民參加86年體育季人數不多。多數縣民認為體育季舉辦日期不過當。而縣、民獲知體育季訊息方式以電視鳥最多,其次是報紙和活動傳單,而廣告看板的方式最少。


Thepurpose of the study is to understand the degree of demands of Tao-Yuan district residents toward that the sports field of Tao-Yuan district managed a 1997 sports season, and to know the situation of residents' participation in the sports season. Self-made questionnaire was used as the study tool to surver 1420 TaoYuan district residents. Theresults of the survey were summarized with descriptive statistics and analyzed by the crosstabulation table of the fit. Then,three conclusions are reached. 1. The residents think that the sports field of Tao-Yuan district managed a sports season very well, and all kinds of sports could satisfy the demands of the residents. 2. Even for the residents who are opposite sex, have different educational levels and occupations, they also think that the sports field of Tao-Yuan district managed the sports season very well, and there were several types of sports to fit in the demands of different residents. 3. Tao-Yuan district residents who participated in the 1997 sports season were few. The majority of the residents did not think the dates of the sports season were appropriate. Moreover, the residents acquired the information about the sports season mainly from TV news, secondly from newspapers and from poster papers, least from the advertising board.

