
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 武術「騰空飛腳」助跑階段的生物力學分析
卷期 24
並列篇名 Biomechanical Analysis of Run-up of the Wushu Jumping-Front-Kick
作者 陳帝佑李志明唐人屏黃長福陳重佑
頁次 097-108
關鍵字 亞運鼓術騰空飛腳生物力學助跑WushuJumping-Front-KickRun-upBiomechanicsTSSCI
出刊日期 199712


「武術」是唯一進入亞洲運動會成為國際性的中國傳統體育運動競賽項目,其中長拳比賽的『疇空飛腳』動作,是套路指定的跳躍性動作。由於武術裁判法指出『騰空看高度J的評分準則,因此,適宜地運用三步的助跑技術,為調和起跳階段動作做準備,以增加跳躍高度,凸擷出動作的特性,進而影響裁判於「風格、節奏」與「勁力、協調」方面的主觀給分。因此本研究的主要目的乃是利用PeakPerfOIτnance二度空間影片分析系統,探討優秀武術運動 員『騰空飛腳』動作助跑階段的運動學特徵,並對國內優秀武術運動員『時空飛腳j的助跑技術進行診斷。實驗以國內六名優秀武術選手為受試者,平均身高為167.9±6.0 -A'分,平均身體質量為62.0±5.0位斤,平均年齡鳥20.0±2.8歲,平均習武年齡為3.0±1.2歲。並以重複量數相依樣本t梭定(α=0.1)比較助跑兩步動作的差異。結果發現六位受試者中,僅有跳得最高的運動員助跑階段逐漸降低其重心;而重心水平遠度的極大值多丰產生於第一飛程階段,其減速可用於從容調整起跳時的動作技術,此一結果也與〈武術基本功>(1988)一書對於時空飛腳技術的描述有所不同。最後,本研究建議國內武術選手施行「騰空飛腳」動作助跑時,應為步降低重心,並在最後一步前仰身增加體關節角度,致使膝關節於起跳階段初期有適宜的彎曲角度,以從容的起跳。


Amongtraditional Chinese physical educational cultures, Wushu is the only activity that has became one of the competition events in the Asian Games. TheWushu jumping-front-kick is an important jumping action in Wushu competition, and the height of the jump that the athlete completes is a very important element to evaluate the athlete's performance by the Rules for International Wushu Routine Competition. Having a well skill of run-up of the jumping-front-kick will effectually enhance the height of jump. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biomechanical characteristics and then to diagnose the skill of the run-up of the Wushu jumping-front-kick for elite Wushu athletes of Taiwan.
Six elite male Wushu athletes of Taiwan were served as the subjects in this study. Their mean (±S.D.)age, height, and weight were 20.0 ± 2.8 years, 167.9 + 6.0 em, and 62.0 ± 5.0 kgw, respectively. Peak Performance Video Motion Analysis System (120Hz) was used to record, digitize, and calculate the biomechanical parameters in the run-up of the Wushu jumping-front-kick. Theresults indicated: (1)Thebest athlete's center of gravity was getting lower in step by step, but the other athletes were opposing the best athlete's performance. (2) The maximum horizontal velocity of center of gravity was usually appeared before the takeoff step that was different with the advice from the book of "Fundamentals of Wushu" (1988)that indicated the running speed must be faster from step to step in the three steps approaching skill. (3) Thisstudy suggested that Wushu players should lower their center of gravity step by step, and the trunk should be leaning backward before the last step to increase the right hip angle in order to bring out a optimum angle of right knee during the initial takeoff phase.

