
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國內優秀男女三級跳遠選手三段距離成績之分析
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Kinematic Analysisof Three Step's Distance for National Elite Male and Female Triple Jumpers
作者 游正忠陳建勳
頁次 109-120
關鍵字 三級跳遠高跳型技術平跳型技術運動生物力學triple jumpBiomechanicalJump-dominate techniqueHop-dominate techniqueTSSCI
出刊日期 199712


研究主要目的在分析男、安三級跳遠選手在三跳距離、比率現況及與優秀選手之間的差異,找尋適合國內男、女選手最佳的三跳比率,以提供教練、選手訓練之參考。本研究以三部每秒60張畫面的攝影機,拍攝入十五年國際田徑邀請賽、中正盃田徑賽及入十六年青年盃田徑拉開賽三級跳遠洪賽選手$,受試者,以14個肢段、21個關節點的人體模型,實施二度空間的影片分析,所獲得的結論如下:一、男、女各十位選手中各有入位選手採用俄羅斯高跳型技街,,二位選手採用波蘭平跳型技術。二、高跳型技術三跳比率男子為38.13%:27.23%: 34.64% '女子$,38.58%: 26.80%: 34.62%。三、平跳型技術選手三跳比率男子35.33%:28.44%: 36.23% '女34.50%:30.20%:35.3%。 四、男子在雙腳跳階段距離、女子在跨步跳及雙腳跳階段距離與比賽成績有顯著相關(P<0.05),顯示男、女選手增加雙腳跳距離,可增加比賽成績。五、男、女選手在跨步跳階段距離比率上男子為27.82%、女子為27.0%' 明顯較優秀選手為小可能是一般與高水準選手之間差異之一。


Thepurpose of this study were to analyze 10. male and 10 female triple jumpers three Step's /distance and percent, and to compare with international elite triple jumpers. Threecameras with a speed of 60 frames per second were used to film all performances in three national final competition. Thisstudy chose the best record of the means of a 14-segment and 21-point body model. The data of three competitions were provided compute. According to the result we obtained some discussions and conclusion were as follow : 1. Amongthese 10 male and 10 female jumpers, there are 8 jumpers of each adopt Hop-dominate technique, the other 2 jumpers of each adopt Jump-dominate techmque. 2.The three Step's percent of the male Hop-dominate technique jumpers is 38.13%: 27.23%: 34.60% and 38.50%: 26.80%: 34.62% to the female jumpers. 3. The three Step's percent of the male Jump-dominate technique jumpers is 35.33%: 28.44%: 36.23% and 34.50%: 30.20%: 35.30% to the female jumpers. 4. Thereare marked relationships between the achievement and the Jump phase of the male jumpers as well as the Step and Jump phase distance of the female jumpers. (P < 0.05) Itshows that both male and female jumpers could get higher achievement if they raise their Jump phase distance.
5. The step phase distance percent of male and female jumpers are 27.82% and 27.00%. Obviously, the distant rates are smaller than elite jumpers. Itcould be considered as one of the differences between ordinary and higher achievers.

