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篇名 車用即時作業系統(OSEK/VDX)之軟體平臺架構
卷期 140
並列篇名 Vehicle RTOS OSEK/VDX Software Platform Architecture
作者 蔡昆憲陳峻志佟興无溫穗安吳易達
頁次 018-025
關鍵字 車用即時作業系統電子控制單元即時作業系統網路管理可伸縮性後進先出Offene systeme und deren schnittstellen für die elektronik im kraftfahrzeug/Vehicle Distributed eXecutiveOSEK/VDXElectronic control unitECUReal time operation systemRTOSNetwork managementNMScalabilityLast in first outLIFO
出刊日期 201108




With the rapid development of automotive industry, automobile control evolves from traditional analog mechanical methods to vast electronic ones. Automobiles rely on electronic systems to provide safety, comfort, and entertainment functions. Therefore, more and more diversified automotive electronic controls are needed. Automobiles, as manned vehicles, their security got more attentions. Precise electronic control and rapid response are very important. The stability is the first priority for automotive embedded systems since they need to work in harsh environments. In this paper, we have more emphases on the embedded software system of vehicles. We investigate the standard specifics of the OSEK/VDX of the car real time operation system. We also have some investigations on its software architectures and mechanisms for developing the control software for ECU in the future.

