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篇名 低功耗多核心系統之處理單元自動化設計方法
卷期 140
並列篇名 Design Automation for Processing Element in Low-Power Multicore System
作者 林騏宏吳琦王茂銀
頁次 044-050
關鍵字 指令集架構描述語言平行化架構數位訊號處理器電子系統層級Language for instruction set architectureLISAParallel architecture core digital signal processorPACDSPElectronic system levelESL
出刊日期 201108




As the handheld devices become more and more popular, the demand for various modern multimedia applications is increasing rapidly. To satisfy the high computation power for these applications, design with higher operating frequency is applied by traditional methods. But it comes with the problems on thermal management and power consumption. Multicore system is a popular solution to increase the computation power with low power consumption. The most important part of multicore system is the design of processing element. Traditionally, it takes too much time to develop a processor and tool chains and is difficult to meet the development cycle of products. In this paper, we develop a processing element for multicore system based on the LISATek automation design flow. It provides a fast and flexible method for us to design a PAC-Lite processing element at early design stage. Based on the flow, we apply the PAC-Lite on a 3D CIS system for image processing applications at ESL. It can support fast software development and architecture exploration for system optimization. The results of exploration will help us to implement the low-power multicore system in the future.

