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篇名 H.264/AVC視訊編解碼器之視訊框壓縮技術
卷期 140
並列篇名 Frame Memory Compression for H.264/AVC Video Codec
作者 林俊隆周凡迪顏志旭
頁次 051-057
關鍵字 視訊框壓縮近似無失真壓縮固定位元率群組區塊Frame memory compressionFMCNear-lossless compressionFixed-length bit rateGroup of blocksGOB
出刊日期 201108




We address the problem about implementation of a H.264/AVC codec that the performance of a video processor would be limited by memory bandwidth and frame memory size. In this article, a novel Frame Memory Compression (FMC) technique is proposed to reduce memory bandwidth by compressing the reference frame data to be stored in frame memory. The proposed FMC technique compresses a 4×4 block by a modified quantizer and a predictor followed by a Golomb-Rice encoder. The prediction order of pixels and structure are specially designed such that correlation among pixels in the block could be sufficiently exploited. The residuals are encoded using four coding distributions according to their positions in the block. A packing unit is applied on the variable-length codewords to guarantee fixed-length bit rate. This article also proposes a rate-control mechanism to effectively share bit rates among nearby blocks. The experimental results show that the proposed FMC technique achieve better performance on higher quality video sequences (e.g., 1080p or 720p). Furthermore, the FMC technique could be lossless or near-lossless in low bit rate conditions.

