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篇名 電動機車馬達控制技術剖析
卷期 140
並列篇名 Technology Analysis for Motor Control of E-Scooter
作者 陳侑谷丁滎隍鄭昌信劉興庄
頁次 004-010
關鍵字 電動機車馬達控制有刷直流馬達無刷直流馬達E-scooterMotor controlBrush direct current motorBrushless direct current motor
出刊日期 201108


在環保意識抬頭之下,政府希望能以電動機車取代空氣污染高的傳統機車,因而極力發展電動機車。目前常見電動機車馬達有有刷直流馬達與無刷直流馬達兩種,兩種都有良好的操控性。馬達除了要有優秀的性能還必須配合良好的控制器與驅動電路,方可產生整合性能優良的電動動力系統。文中介紹了Texas Instruments的TMS320F2808數位訊號處理器與馬達控制系統,藉此來了解馬達是如何被控制的。


Due to the trend of green environment, the government hopes to replace the high pollution motorcycle with E-Scooter. Now the popular engines of E-Scooter are brush direct current motor and brushless direct current motor that have the easy controllability. For achieving the excellent integration of electronic power system, the motor has not only the good performance but the fine controller and driver. This paper introduces the TMS320F2808 (Texas Instruments) DSP and the motor control system to understand the control flow of motor in advance.

