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篇名 具更正性回饋之聲調評量技術
卷期 139
並列篇名 Corrective Feedback Technique for Automatic Mandarin Tone Assessment
作者 陳江村廖憲正張森嘉
頁次 039-045
關鍵字 聲調評量電腦輔助語言學習電腦輔助發音訓練更正性回饋Tone assessmentComputer aided language learningCALLComputer assisted pronunciation trainingCAPTCorrective feedback
出刊日期 201106




We propose a novel decision tree based approach to Mandarin tone assessment. In most conventional computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) scenarios, a tone production template is prepared as a reference with only numeric scores as feedbacks for tone learning. In contrast, decision trees trained with an annotated tone-balanced corpus make use of a collection of questions related to important cues in categories of tone production. By traversing the corresponding paths and nodes associated with a test utterance a sequence of corrective comments can be generated to guide the learner for potential improvement. Therefore, a detailed pronunciation indication or a comparison between two paths can be provided to learners, which are usually unavailable in score-based CAPT systems.
