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篇名 路德聖餐講章中之「赦罪」教導
卷期 1
並列篇名 Teaching on “Forgiveness” in the Luther’s Eucharistic Sermon
作者 陳冠賢
頁次 166-183
出刊日期 200805



The disputation of the doctrine of real presence is the most important topic in the studies concerning Luther’s doctrine of the Lord’s Supper. However, this also means that other topics (e.g. testament, forgiveness, remembrance and communion)have little attention in studies of Luther’s doctrine of the Lord’s Supper. Moreover, most of the studies are based on Luther’s disputation writings, and pay little attention to his Eucharistic sermons. This article also shows the contemporary application entitled “two-phased calling-response” based on the results of text analysis and the concepts of Murken’s “dialogical event ”.First, it shows that we must do self-examination according to God’s commandments, and pay attention to the “ for you” in the Institution Word. Second, it emphasizes that the Lord’s Supper is not merely Christ’s body and blood, but also Chrit’s self-presenting action. Therefore, the Supper is not only the caring sacrament, but also the sacramental carer, and we will be the carer of our neighbors after we receive the forgiveness of the Lord’s Supper.

