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篇名 從以賽亞書看中文聖經翻譯
卷期 1
並列篇名 Looking at Chinese Bible Translation from the Book of Isaiah
作者 吳獻章
頁次 076-087
出刊日期 200805


因為語言與文化的差異,任何翻譯,不論是注重原文形式的「形式對等」(formal correspondence),都自有其限制,往往如魚與熊掌一樣不能兼得.但好的聖經翻譯,必須留心在文字的斟酌上達到信、達、雅三範疇,好讓文本能夠正確、清楚地呈現給讀者,達到聖經翻譯的目的-傳道與宣教.本文將舉以賽亞書中的數則實例,探討華文聖經翻譯應如何兼顧信(終於原意)、達(自然流暢)、雅(優美典雅)三範疇,好讓讀者明白所讀的,又能靠近經文原意(信和達)和領略其文字運用之美(雅) ,且部會產生神學上的誤解,更讓讀者成為傳道者,甚而成為翻譯者.


Through some crucial texts in Isaiah, this study shows that , with right perspective, good translation should and could be done so that god’s message spoken to people of old can be heard by contemporary Chinese people without theological misunderstanding or confusion, but with the solid and rich biblical theology inherent in the texts with which the original author was inspired. This study also shows that good translation, by whatever formats and means, either formal correspondence or functional equivalence, will overcome cultural barriers so as to draw the readers to each text and to the Triune God of the text, so that the heart of the readers can be transformed through the endeavor of translators of the text, so that they themselves become the life-translators of that text.

