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篇名 從舊約幾處爭議經文看同性戀問題
卷期 1
並列篇名 Old Testament Exegesis and Homosexuality
作者 賴建國
頁次 124-142
出刊日期 200805



In recent years homosexuality has become one of the major issues in Taiwan. The present article tries to explore the scriptural texts which are often referred to by those who support homosexuality, including Leviticus 18and 20, Genesis 19, and 1 Samuel 18-20 as well. By providing detailed exegesis, the author argues that the laws in Leviticus 18 and 20 prohibit homosexual behavior. The text shows that homosexual behavior is an abomination to the Lord. Romans 1 and 1 Corintians 6 follw this way of thinking and see this as an ethical issue. The sin of Sodomite people is not failure of hospitality but the intention to rape the two angels (Gesensis 19).David and Jonathan are close friends, having committed to each other with covenantal love. In the Old Testament, especially in the David narrative, the “kiss” is a friendly expression between man and woman and also between one man and another man which does not mean that they are gays.

