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篇名 聖潔概念在希律聖殿山上的進階脈動
卷期 1
並列篇名 Gradation of Holiness on the Herodian Temple Mount
作者 吳存仁
頁次 144-164
出刊日期 200805



Geography plays an important role in the theology of the author of the Book of Hebrews. He closely tied the liturgical services of the high priests to the physical structure of the temple. He explained how the earthly construction of the temple figuratively points to the new relationship represented by the heavenly sanctuary, mediated by Christ and enjoyed by Christians in the new epoch. For this reason, a detailed examination of the temple construction is necessary. Such would help in one’s comprehension of the sacrifices offered, the old covenant, the limitations of the Levitical priestly system, and even , the temple liturgical ceremonies. Moreover, accumulate data demonstrate that the concept of ascending holiness was evident in the ritual, political, social, gender, architectural, hydraulic/hydrological, and numismatic considerations of the Herodian temple. This article will argue that such understanding challenges the view that the temple curtain between the Holy Place and the Holies of Holies served as the symbolic indication of God’s holiness and His dwelling among His people. It will also demonstrate that the dia. Tou/katapeta, smatoj imagery in Hebrews 10:20 needs to be discussed in a larger context in addition to its etymological and diachronic study. Further, the article will make plain the relationship between Jesus’ entrance in 6:19-20 and the privilege of the Christians’ access in 10:19-20.

