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篇名 Urodynamic Evaluation of Voiding Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 糖尿病患者排尿機能障礙之尿路動力學評估
作者 黃鶴翔余宏政蒲永孝丘祖毅賴明坤
頁次 227-232
關鍵字 糖尿病尿路動力學膀胱病變diabetes mllitusurodynamicsbladder diseasesTSCI
出刊日期 199412




In an attempt to evaluate the urodynamic parameters and the clinical features of urinary bladder dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), 62 diabetic patients’ clinical histories and laboratory data were analyzed and correlated with the parameters of urodynamic studies All 62 patients were symptomatic, with chief problems of urinary frequency (36 cases), urinary retention (16 cases), dysuria (23 cases) and urinary incontinence (9 cases). Some of them had more than one urinary symptom. These outcome did not permit accurate predication of the detrusor function solely from the clinical symptoms without urodynamic results. There were only 19 patients (30.6%) who had a bladder capacity greater than 500 ml, and only 17 patients (27.4%) experienced a first sensation larger than 250 ml. Both poor (21 cases) and involuntary (18 cases) contractions of the detrusor were observed in the patient group. The relationship between DM control results and the detrusor function was statistically significant for those patients with a DM history of 10 years or less (p=0.019) but not for those with more than 10 years. Detrusor function did not correlate with DM duration in patients with both good and poor DM control results. This study found that diabetic cystopathy is not only hypotonic in nature. A combination of the patient’s history, symptom complex and urodynamic studies are required to evaluate and diagnose diabetic voiding dysfunction.
