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篇名 Large Lipoma of the Vulva: A Case Report
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 巨大女陰脂肪瘤病例報告
作者 鄭志堅佘伯青
頁次 47-49
關鍵字 脂肪瘤外陰部巴氏腺囊腫LipomaBartholin's duct cystsVulva
出刊日期 200903


女性外陰脂肪瘤在臨床上極少有個案報告,此個案為左側外陰腫瘤在幾個月內增大至 15 公分,病人在接受單純腫瘤切除後,組織切片報告為良性的脂肪瘤,並且在腫瘤周圍有一層纖維組包圍。


Lipomas are the most common benign tumors of soft tissues. However, lipomas have rarely been reported as presenting in the vulva with few reports to date. We present a case of a vulvar lipoma in a 51-year-old woman, with a 3-month history of a huge left labial mass, which had recently increased in size to 15 cm possibly caused by chronic intermittent irritation. The patient was referred from a local clinic and was clinically thought to have Bartholin's glandular cyst. Transvaginal sonographic findings of the vulvar tumor depicted lobular structural soft-tissue features. A computed tomographic scan revealed that this mass contained adipose tissue. During the operation, a lipomatous tumor was found, which proved to be a lipoma according to the histologic examination. A simple excision was performed, and the histological examination revealed a thin capsule surrounding a lobular proliferation of lipocytes.
