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篇名 APP於長期照護場域之整合應用研究
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The Study of Applying APP into the Long-Term Care
作者 吳懷恩謝昆霖
頁次 015-036
關鍵字 行動載具使用性評估長期照護mobile deviceusability evaluationlong-term careAndroidAPP
出刊日期 201305
DOI 10.3966/222369612013050301002


根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)的定義,65 歲以上高齡人口比率超過全國總人口7% 的國家稱為高齡化社會,在步入高齡化社會的同時,強化高齡化人口的照顧勢在必行,國內相關的長期照護機構孕育而生,對於大量高齡人口入住不同類型的照護機構,傳統照顧模式讓機構內的工作人員負荷愈來愈大,需要抄寫的紀錄也愈來愈多,如果將每天需要蒐集住民的生理資訊、用藥及衛教資料資訊化與行動化,對於臨床工作是很大的幫助。基於上述原因,本研究使用雛型開發模式,搭配以Linux 為基礎的開放原始碼作業系統Android、後端為MySQL 資料庫,以及中介軟體(middleware),以建置於台東基督教醫院附設迦南銀髮生活福祉中心之工作人員為研究對象。根據問卷結果與使用者實際操作後,獲得相關意見,並歸納出以下研究貢獻: 一、長照機構的資訊行動化加值服務是可行的。 二、APP 應用幫助機構人員即時監測住民健康狀況、避免錯誤用藥事件、即時衛教。 三、整合所有長期照護使用的表單、記錄於行動載具中,才能實現完全行動化管理模式。


According to world health organization (WHO), an aging society is one where the population of people aged 65 or more comprise over 7% of the total population. With the aging of our society, reinforcing the care for elderly population has become a necessity. Despite the presence of various long-term care institutions, the increase in elderly population has increased the workload of caregivers in traditional care institutions. Caregivers have to keep track of physiological and drug use data of elderly residents on a daily basis and provide necessary health education to them. If all these data can be collected or accessed on mobile devices, they can save much effort in clinical work. Therefore, based on the prototyping model, this study used Linux open source codes, MySQL database system, and middleware to build an Android application for Canaan Senior Living and Caring Center of Taitung Christian Hospital. According to survey responses and user opinions, the main findings and contributions of this study were as follows: (1) It is feasible to mobilize information of long-term care institutions. (2) The mobile application developed in this study could help caregivers monitor health conditions of elderly residents to avoid misuse of drugs and provide necessary health education at the first moment. (3) The fully mobile management model would require all tables and records used in providing long-term care to be integrated and available on mobile devices.
