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篇名 三 位不同族籍國中校長 生命經驗之敘事研究
卷期 115
並列篇名 A Narrative Study of the Life Experiences of Three Junior High School Principals with Different Ethnic Origins
作者 林志慎吳佳真
頁次 009-039
關鍵字 生命經驗族籍國中校長敘事研究ethnic originjunior high school principallife experiencenarrative research
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0002


本研究採用混合Riessman五種層次包括關注此經驗、訴說此經驗、轉錄此 訴說經驗、分析此訴說之經驗至閱讀此訴說經驗與Amia Lieblich, Rivka Tuval- Mashiach 和 Tamar Zilber所提出「敘事研究」方法的程序與階段包括整體—內 容、整體—形式兩種方式進行生命故事「敘事研究」,經立意取樣挑選出屏東 縣三位不同族籍(原住民籍、僑籍、客籍)國中校長為研究對象,藉由深度訪 談,我試圖探索與再現三位校長生命經驗的故事。 三位不同族籍校長在成長過程中與主流文化碰撞,經過不同文化衝擊的 洗禮,滋養著邁向校長之路的養分,形成個人特質的一部份,更影響其人生價 值觀、形塑出各具特色的教育理念:原住民籍校長對於學校原住民文化推展, 以及對體育活動支持不遺餘力;僑籍校長從小接受基督教信仰,重視品格教 育、家庭教育;客籍校長展現出「硬頸」、「堅毅不拔」的精神,除經營校務 外,更首創全國「中途式家園學校」,照顧家庭功能失調、中輟離校的學生; 皆是將各自生命經驗中的文化元素,融入校務經營,營造個人治校風格。


This study applied “narrative research” approach mixed by Riessman’s five levels include focusing on this experience, telling the experience, transcribing this telling experience, analyzing the experience of this storytelling to reading this storytelling experience and Amia Lieblich, Rivka Tuval-Mashiach & Tamar Zilber’s “Narrative Study” method and procedure including “the whole – the content” and “the whole – the form” two kinds of life stories, through the process of attending to experience, I aim to explore and represent the stories about three principals’ life experiences by in-depth interviews. Three principals with different ethnic origins themselves collided mainstream culture in their growth processes. The baptism of different culture shocks nourished nutrients on their roads to principals, thus forming parts of their personalities as well as affecting their life values and shaping various distinctive educational philosophy: the indigenous principal commits himself to the promotion of aboriginal culture and sports activities; the overseas expatriated principal who has accepted the Christian faith since childhood emphasizes the importance of character education and home education; the Hakka principal with “stiff-necked” and “perseverant” spirits not only manages the school but also founded the first halfway home-school in Taiwan, which takes care of dropouts with family dysfunction. All of them integrate cultural elements in their life experiences into school operations, creating individual management styles.
