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篇名 臺灣國小英語教育之探討: 文化霸權與東方主義觀點
卷期 115
並列篇名 A Study of English Education in Taiwanese Elementary Schools: The Perspective of Cultural Hegemony and Orientalism
作者 蘇娉儀張媛甯
頁次 063-090
關鍵字 文化霸權英語教育東方主義English educationorientalismcultural hegemony
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0004




The purpose of this study aimed to explore the English education in Taiwan. By means of literature analysis, observation and interviews, this study attempted to view the phenomenon of English worship in Taiwanese education through the perspective of educational sociology. It detected the hidden problems behind it and offers suggestions for the future of English education in Taiwan. The study had following findings: 1. The preference toward foreign teachers was based on western hegemony and oriental self-colonialism; 2. Taiwanese parents worshiped the foreign teachers, and even were culturally colonized without realizing it; 3. A hidden myth was revealed that the effectiveness of foreign teachers was not as good as expected. Thus, from the phenomenon of English worship in Taiwan education, this study attempted to awaken the awareness of learners and local teachers and to make them more critical of their educational goals.
