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篇名 國民中學主任角色壓力、工作倦怠 對幸福感影響之研究
卷期 115
並列篇名 The Study of Examining the Effect of Role Stress and Job Burnout on Well-being of Junior High School Directors
作者 林佳蓁
頁次 091-120
關鍵字 角色壓力工作倦怠幸福感role stressjob burnoutwell-being
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0005


本研究旨在探討主任角色壓力、工作倦怠與幸福感之關係,並探究工 作倦怠在角色壓力與幸福感之間是否有中介變項的效果。研究採用問卷調查 法,以臺北市、新北市、宜蘭縣、基隆市與桃園縣之國民中學教師為樣本母 群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出75所國中共計300位受試者,回收有效問卷266 份。所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、Cronbach α係數信度分析、因素分 析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析Sobel檢定等統計方法進行資料的分析與處 理,據以了解國民中學主任角色壓力、工作倦怠與幸福感之現況、差異情形及 其預測力。本研究主要研究結論:(一)國民中學主任角色壓力屬中高程度。 (二)國民中學主任工作倦怠屬中低程度。(三)國民中學主任幸福感屬中高 程度。(四)主任年齡愈小、服務年資愈短以及學校規模愈小,角色壓力較 高。(五)主任年齡愈小、服務年資愈短以及學校規模愈小,工作倦怠較高。 (六)主任年齡愈高、服務年資愈長、碩士學歷、服務學校規模在12班以下、 25−48班與49班以上,幸福感知覺較高。(七)性別在主任角色壓力、工作倦 怠和幸福感上無顯著差異,最高學歷在主任角色壓力與工作倦怠上無顯著差 異。(八)主任角色壓力與工作倦怠對幸福感具顯著相關與預測力。(九)主 任工作倦怠在角色壓力和幸福感間具有部分中介效果。最後,依據研究結論 針對教育主管機關、國中校長、主任及後續研究提出參考建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among role stress, job burnout and well-being of junior high school directors. Furthermore, the mediating effect of role stress and job burnout on wellbeing was examined. A survey research was conducted using a sample of junior high school directors in Taipei, New Taipei, Ilan, Keelung and Taoyuan. 300 directors from 75 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 266 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, cronbach α, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis and Sobel test. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Directors’ role stress is above average. 2. Directors’ job burnout is under average. 3. Directors’ well-being is above average. 4. Directors who are young; have short length of years of service; work in small school size show higher perception of role stress. 5. Directors who are young; have short length of years of service; work in small school scale show higher perception of job burnout. 6. Directors who are old; have long length of years of service; have master degree; work in school size which is below 12 classes, 25−48 classes and over 49 classes show higher perception of well-being. 7. Gender shows no significant differences in role stress, job burnout and wellbeing; v highegst academic degree shows no significant differences in role stress and job burnout. 8. Role stress is positively related to job burnout and well-being. In addition, role stress has positive direct effect on wellbeing; job burnout has positive direct effect on well-being; role stress has positive direct effect on job burnout. 9. Job burnout does have mediating effect on role stress and well-being. The researcher provides suggestions for educational administration authorities, principals, directors and future related research according to the findings.
