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篇名 高齡者臨終會談―― 以融入樂齡大學課程為例
卷期 115
並列篇名 Apply the Conversation Project in Active Aging Learning College Programs
作者 胡小玫
頁次 121-134
關鍵字 高齡者臨終會談樂齡大學older adultthe Conversation ProjectActive Aging Learning College
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0006




Medical technologies not only help humans live longer, but also slow down the dying process. Quality of death is an important concern for older adults that near the end of their lives. Therefore, the Active Aging Learning Colleges plan on some projects about the topic of death and dying to promote life education. The aims of this article are to integrate the Conversation Project into the curriculums and suggestions are offered to practitioner who help older learners achieve great understanding of dying and death, appreciate all that they already have and leave no regrets.
