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篇名 大學生學習壓力 成長軌跡之探究
卷期 115
並列篇名 A Study on University the Trajectories of Students’ Academic Pressure
作者 張芳全
頁次 135-155
關鍵字 大學生校務研究潛在成長曲線談戀愛學習壓力蹺課falling in loveinstitution researchLatent Growth Curve Modelinglearning stresstruancyuniversity students
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0007




It has been easy for students to attend university in recent years, and their academic pressure needs to be investigated in Taiwan. What factors impact students’ academic pressure? Many studies could have provided answers to this issue, but this study was not similar to previous studies, and it recruited undergraduate students in national university in Taipei as participants, using a questionnaire and collecting the data in 5 stages. This study analyzed data from 450 students. Latent Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM) was applied to analyze the data. The results were as follows. First, all the students, regardless of whether they fell in love or not, the females experienced significantly higher academic pressure than their male counterparts in the first year of study. As for all the students and those who fell in love, the male students’ academic pressure increased over time, but the female students’ decreased. Second, the freshmen’s family income had significant effects on their academic pressure; however, students who did not fall in love experienced more academic pressure over time. Third, in terms of freshmen, the learning atmosphere of the department had positive effects on truancy. Fourth, students’ truancy had no significant effect on their academic pressure, and it did not significantly affect academic pressure over time either.
