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篇名 休閒活動間關聯之研究-以雲林虎尾鎮內單一Pub為例
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 The Relationship Between Pub Activities and Leisure - A Case Study of Hu-Wei Township in Yunlin County
作者 郭漢鍠阮炳嵐廖書楷傅志雄
頁次 049-060
關鍵字 單一pub空間情境休閒行為休閒效益永續經營pubspatial atmosphereleisure behaviorleisure benefitsustainability
出刊日期 201906


本研究探討單一pub 活動相關之內外在因素,外在因素為OP pub 地理周遭環境與時代演進過程的變化,發現其存在並無直接的影響與關聯;再者以質性分析內在的面向,藉剖析訪談OP pub 之消費者、員工與雇主於活動過程是否產生休閒意涵之行為與效益,結果如下:(一)發現不同情境所產生之休閒行為會因角色關係而有不同層級之表現。(二)休閒效益也隨此層級而產生不同的強弱,亦跟角色與互動間關係有一定程度的關聯。(三)由消費者從事該活動的時間而言,顯示出累積一定的活動時間後逐漸產生族群化的趨勢。由上述形成內化之符旨及符徵,而條理經營已27 年pub 休閒成分活動潛層的核心價值為雇主經營的思維與策略,其即可表現在消費顧客族群化過程之內與外產生的凝聚力,同時雇主巧妙運用商業的手法,聯繫彼此三者成為一體達到休閒行為,此狀態即產生各取所需的最大效能,此效能如下:(一)雇主調和員工與消費者間的關係,使其互榮與融,且活動空間提供這些人最大的自由度與產生內在效益。(二)三者間彼此關聯,然有其層級之區隔,亦即各層級於空間活動之內外在行為趨於井然有序的態度,漸培養出最大的空間情境而成就休閒活動的效益。總之:上述質性分析之結果,提供比較基礎的依據,同時瞭解單一城鎮型的pub 空間內各份子的休閒活動範疇與意涵,也透過實證普及調查方式直接貼近瞭解消費者去單一pub 消費行為之休閒需求與效益,此形成之核心角色為雇主,經營者是推動達成pub 各活動之極為重要的靈魂與中介的人物,同時聯繫運用自身角色內外在疏理調和與塑造pub 空間情境,促進三者間族群化之形成與休閒關聯的建構,這也提供有效經營pub 的模式,亦是達到實質永續經營的方法與途徑。


This study explores the internal and external factors related to OP pub activities. The external factors are found out no direct influence and correlation between the changes of the pub geography and the evolution process of the times. The results are as follows: (1) The leisure behaviors found in the pub activities in different situations may have different levels of performance due to role relationships. (2) The leisure benefits also have different strengths and weaknesses along with this level, and also have a certain degree of correlation with the relationship between roles and interactions. (3) In terms of the time when the consumer engages in the activity, it shows that the cumulative activity time is gradually becoming a trend of group. And then, the signified and signifier of the related pub activities show that the core of the potential layer is dominated by the thinking and strategy of employer’s management. Employer ‘s effectiveness is as follows: Her active role reconciles the relationship between employees and consumers to make them mutually honorable and integral. The pub space provides the greatest freedom of these people's activities to produce internal effectiveness and external benefit. In summary: it provides a basis for comparative basis according to the research background of the pub activity and the results of the above qualitative analysis. At the same time, the research tells the scope and meaning of leisure activities from the pub space in the single town, and also directly understand the leisure needs and benefits of consumers going to the pub consumption behavior and the core role of what is the employer playing through empirical investigation method. Moreover, promoting the formation and association of the three distinct groups, it also provides a way to effectively operate the pub and approaches to achieve sustainable management substantially.
