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篇名 十字型毛細管電泳晶片中帶電離子運動現象
卷期 30:1=165
並列篇名 Charged Solute Ions Motion Phenomenon in Cross Channel of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Chip
作者 徐名瑩洪振益
頁次 90-97
出刊日期 200808




Traditional numerical schemes use the concentration diffusion equation to simulate the solute concentration distribution in CZE (capillary zone electrophoresis) systems. However, although this equation adequately describes the diffusion of a solute liquid in such systems, it cannot describe the different motions of the differently charged solute ions. Therefore, this study employs a particle model to simulate solute ionic migration. Using the Navier-Stokes equation and the PIC (particle in caell) method, this study examines the absolute mobility of negatively and positively charged ions in non-aqueous solvents in a CZE system. The results show that the zeta potential on the channel wall affects the migration of the positive and negative ions in the electrical double layer (EDL) in different ways. Specifically, the positive ions accumulate at the channel wall, while the negative ions are pushed out of the EDL. Furthermore, it is shown that the positive ions migrate more rapidly than the negative ions in the injection process.

