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篇名 CMOS MEMS微型加速度計
卷期 30:1=165
並列篇名 CMOS MEMS Accelerometer
作者 方維倫孫志銘王傳蔚蔡明翰
頁次 6-18
出刊日期 200808


CMOS MEMS是目前相當受到矚目的一項微機電技術,除了有許多已商品化的產品外,國內外也有許多學術機構投入相關的研究。本文希望以筆者在清華大學微機電實驗室所開發之一系列微型加速度計為例,說明CMOS MEMS元件設計、製造與測試的完整流程。本文主要使用台積電(TSMC)的CMOS 0.35μm 2P4M標準製程來製作CMOS晶片,然後搭配筆者建立的新型態雙面CMOS MEMS後製程,完成微型加速度計。文中將介紹設計原理、機械結構、感測介面及感測電路等。


Presently, the CMOS MEMS and its related technologies become more and more popular. Many commercialized products have been realized using the CMOS MEMS technology. There are even more on-going researches involving in the CMOS MEMS related fields. In this article, the authors would like to introduce the design and fabrication of the CMOS MEMS accelerometers. In application, various accelerometers implemented by the authors research group in the Micro-Device Lab., National Tsing Hua University are reported. These accelerometers are fabricated using the TSMC 0.35μm standard CMOS process plus the post-CMOS process developed by authors.

