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篇名 應用於化學與生化檢測上之CMOS MEMS懸臂樑感測平臺
卷期 30:1=165
並列篇名 A Platform of CMOS MEMS Microcantilever for Chemical and Biochemical Detection
作者 關恕黃榮山
頁次 42-53
出刊日期 200808




Over the past few years, an increasingly number of studies have been conducted on using the microcantilevers as transducers in biochemical-sensing systems. With the bottom-up technology in chemical surface treatment and biomolecular functionality and the top-down microfabrication on physical devices, the biofilm-induced CMOS compatible microcantilever establishes a platform in real-time, label-free, and quantitative analysis which facilitates the discovery of new drugs, monitor of the environmental, biotechnological methods, and materials for therapeutics and diagnostics. In this article, we will introduce several important research groups in the field of Chemical and Biochemical Detection. In summary, the anomechanics-based microcantilever platform exhibits its broad applicability, effectiveness, high microelectronics integration, promising wireless sensor networks as well. Therefore, a flexible, efficient, and integrated design environment should be constructed for MEMS industry to speed up the design flow, reduce research cost and improve the product reliability.

