
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 女性護理人員生涯阻礙與因應策略之相關性研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Correlation Study of Career Barriers and Coping Strategies among Female Nurses
作者 黃美華郭倩琳
頁次 91-99
關鍵字 女性護理人員Coping strategyCareer barrierFemale nurses因應策略生涯阻礙
出刊日期 200906




The high itinerancy rate amongst nursing staff has consistently been an important issue in the nursing profession. The present study adopted a cross-sectional correlational design with a cognitive view of the profession in order to explore career barriers faced and coping strategies used by female nurses as well as to investigate relationships between these two variables using structured questionnaires. Respondents were female nurses from two teaching hospitals in Chiayi and Pingtung counties. A total of 516 valid questionnaires were collected (67% retrieved). Major research findings included: Career barriers faced by respondents were rated at a ‘moderate’ degree of severity, among which ‘multiple role pressures’ earned the highest and ‘gender discrimination’ the lowest scores. ‘Seeking assistance and support from others’ was the coping strategy employed most frequently. Personal background such as age, marital status, service seniority, professional duty, department affiliation, specialized certificates number, and shift rotation status all had significant influences on career barriers and coping strategies. Positive coping strategies had a negative correlation with career barriers. Career barriers were related to the coping strategies of “delay-escape” and “negative adjustment”. Based on findings, the researchers made suggestions about nursing practice and further research recommendations.
